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Lymm Timeline.  Do you have more we can add ? If you are a local history enthusiast perhaps you would like to take it over and manage it ?  If so or if you would just like to make a correction or minor addition contact us through the contact page .

1086…Lymm appears in the Domesday Book

1316…Lymm Hall estate passed from Gilbert de Limme to Thomas Legh de West Hall, in High Legh,

1322…Approximate date of rebuilding of St Mary's Church

1521…St Mary's Church tower built 

1569…Church registers start to be held

1592…Earliest reference to a schoolteacher in Lymm

16??…Lymm Slitting Mill - water powered mill for slitting wrought iron bars and making nails built (other sources say 1720)

1652…175 people buried in Lymm Chirchyard died from plague

1664…Population estimated as 825 based on Hearth Tax Returns 

1682…John Leigh makes bequest to a Grammar School 

1690…Earliest refereence to a school in churchwarden's accounts

1697…Lymm Estate passed by will to John Halstead son of a female Domville  and Urdula D. m Wm Massey Sale 

1698…Grammar School endowed with land for its support. 

1733…Date over the door of a cottage facing canal by village centre bridge.

1734…Improvement open the Mersey from Warrington to Manchester

1760…first Butchersfield lock completed - on Mersey - eliminating laong loop near Lymm

1761…First section of Bridgewater Canal completed. Worsley to Salford.

1765…Adoption of aspects of  enclosure act - resulting in the basic field shapes seen today

1767…Bridgewater Canal dig reaches Lymm 

1767…Exisiting apothecary business for sale 

1771…Malt Kilns - adjacent to Corn Mills at lower dam already in operation 

1776…Extension of Bridgewater Canal through Lymm opens. Packet Boat service starts.

1779…Spread Eagle pub already in operation 

1784…Fleece already established as a pub ( may have opened quite a lot earlier)

1795…property auction incl Dane Bank House and 50+ other lots following death of  Mr Domville-Poole in previous year

1795…Large auction of Lymm Timber at Spreadeagle include nearly 400 oak trees. 

1797-8…Lymm raises a large sum and a volunteer force as part of national mobilisation to prepare to repel possible invasion. 

c1800…Slitting Mill used to  flatten iron bars to make barrel hoops, later is owned for a while by woolen manufacturer. 

1801…Population: 1622

1803…Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School starts in Sandy Lane

1805…First reference to fustian cutter of Lymm  William Clayton 

1809…Fire at the Fleece. 

1810…Original Methodist Chapel built in New Raod - later additions 1824 1843 1851

1811…Population: 1908

1817…Protest meeting at Lymm Cross organised by Manchester Radicals 

1817…Local worthies raise a force of 20 special constables against possible riots/protests 

1817…Lymm Rushbearing apparently already established 

1821…Population: 2090

1822…Warrington-Stockport Turnpike opens and , with it, Lymm Dam.(Liverpool Courier Report) 

1824…New Stage coach service in operation using turnpike 

1824…Primitive Methodist preaching begins in Lymm in a school room

1825…The "misses Beckett" open a Ladies boarding School - probably at Grove house. 

1828…First fustian cutting shop already open - may have been earlier 

1829…Butchersfield double lock completed near Lymm 


c1835…Slitting Mill pulled down 

1841…Population: 2658

1841…Discovery of first Chirotherium footprints at Windmill Quarry Lymm 

1846…Lymm Hall Estate broken up on death of Rev.  Taylor 

1846…Representative of Lymm fustian cutters meets others in  Manchester to try to initiate a stop to child labour

1849…Horse-drawn omnibus service starts operation from Lymm to railway station at Altrincham.

1849…Primitive Methodist chapel built Eagle Brow 

1850…Twenty-three fustian cutting businesses operating according to Trade Directory

1851…Population: 3156

1851…Fourth building of St Mary's Church 

1853…W’ton & Stockport Railway  - Lymm and  Heatley & Warburton railway stations open.

1861…Population: 3769

1861…George Dewhurst bring his new bride - 23 years his junior - To Beechwood Hall > Big village celebration in fireworks

1862…Gas Works Opens 

1863…The Rixton & Warburton Bridge Act  -permitting a toll road to be built over the Mersey.

1863…Government Commission shows 700 people employed in Fustian Cutting Industry in Lymm- at least 24 workshops in operation 

1863…School Built (Pepper Street) 

1871…Population: 4541

1872…St Peter's Church Oughtrington erected - courtesy of the Dewhurst Family

1873…Mersey & Irwell Regatta at Warburton Bridge.

1874…Oughtrington Constituted as a parish 

1875…First steam driven boats in regular use on Bridgewater Canal 

1879…"New" methodist chapel built on New road site 

1880…Rushbearing discontinued

1881…Oughtrington formed into an ecclesiastical parish 

1881…Lymm Tennis & Croquet Club formed

1881…Population: 4665

1884…Oughtrington Park Cricket Club established

1885…New Grammar School built

1887…Lymm team reported in Rugby results 

1887…Dewhurst family give £200 relief to provide temporary work for unemployed impoversihed fustian cutters 

1888…Lymm Waterworks opens 

1889…St Mary's Church tower rebuilt 

1889…3rd Cheshire vol regiment already using Drill Hall 

1889…First Band of Hope/May Queen

1891…Severe Winter- Bwater canal closed in January 

1891…Population 4995

1891…Fustian Cutter Strike 

1891…Ship Canal starts to operate as far as Saltport at entrance to Weaver Navigation.

1891…New set of eight bells installed at St Mary's

1891…Conservative club opened 

1893…Booths Hill residents protest as Warrington smallpox victims brought to Lymm

1894…Local Government Act - major reform - Lymm Urban District Council Created ?

1894…Manchester Ship Canal opens with new cantilever bridge in place at Warburton.

1894…George Charnley Dewhurst , owner of both Beechwood and at onetime  Oughtirigton Hall dies. 

1896…3rd volunteer regiment of Cheshire Regiment take possession of Drill Hall as HQ 

1897…New Primitive Methodist chapel built Eagle Brow -old chapel becomes  Sunday School 

1897…Lymm Cross renovated for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

1899…Electric tramway from Warrington through Lymm to Knutsford proposed - doesn't materialise

1901…Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association motor-car trial passes through Lymm.

1901…Population 4707

1902…Lymm Council offices formally opened on Brookfield Rd/Whitbarrow Road 

1904…Lymm Isolation Hospital built - Booths Lane manily for Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria 

1904… Charles Moore Lymm  Salt Works Opens

1906…First Bus service to Warrington from Lymm. (not confirmed).

1907…Lymm Golf Club Opens

1909? …Wrights goldbeaters moves from Manchester to Lymm -set up in a shed at Ash Villa

1910…Lymm GSOB football club ( now Lymm AFC) formed 

1911…Population 4989

1911…Sale of the Beechwood Estate - bought almost entirely by Lord Lever who quickly resells a large part of it. 

1912…Wrights of Lymm goldbeaters moves to premises on Grove Avenue 

1913…Lymm Urban District Council purchases Lymm Water Company through Act of Parliament 

1914…JJ Verdin Cooke Salt works opens Heatley 

1914-18 …(Henry) Ford family rent Oughtrington Hall as a home for Belgian refugees

1914-1918…80+  Local men and women perish in the Great War

1919…Lord Leverhulme sells off remainder of estate Beechwood Hall, Oughtrington Park, lymm hotel, Farms 

1921…Population 5283

1921…War Memorial Dedicated 

1922…Lymm "Drill Hall" cinema opens - also used by travelling showmen

1922…Agden Salt Works opens - expanded 1935-6

1924…Freemasons - Domville Lodge dedicated

1925…Last fustian Cutting shop closes ? 

1928…JJ Verdin Cooke Salt Works closes

1931…Population 5643

1935…Corn Mill in Village Centre demolished 

1938…Church Road widened across the dam to cater for increased traffic.

1938…Manchester “Ringway” Airport – opens for passenger traffic.

1939-1945…?? Men and women perish in the Second World War 

1948…May Queen reinstated after wartime interruption

1950…Heatley Salt Works Closes

1951…Population 6412

1951-2…Charles Moore and Verdin Cooke Salt Works close down 

1951…Bridgewater Players Founded - perform at Lymm Cinema util closed in 1962

1955…Lymm Cruising Club formed.

1955…Grammar School expands  to Oughtrington Hall 

1956…England cricket team stay at Lymm Hotel ( not for first time) 

1960…Lymm Rugby Club formed

1959…Agden Salt Works Closes

1961…Population 7338

1962…Lymm and Heatley & Warburton  stations closed to passenger traffic.

1962…Lymm Cinema Closes

1963…M6 Thelwall Viaduct opens.

1966…Brazil & Russia in Lymm for World Cup 

1967…History Society formed

1968…Lymm twins with Meung sur Loire 

1968…Bridgewater Players leave Lymm for Thelwall. 

1968…New Rd and Eagle Brow Methodist churchs amalagamate on Eagle Brow. 

1968…Ravenbank School opens on Pepper Street. 

1969…Lymm first car park and parking restrictions.

1971…Population 10497

1971…Breach at Dunham closes the Bridgewater Canal – effective end of commercial traffic.

1972…National Waterways Rally at Lymm.

1973…Bridgewater Canal re-opens.

1974…Lymm becomes part of Borough of Warrington

1974…M56 Lymm junction with M6 opens.

1976?…Royal British Legion Branch opens at Legh St 

1980…Wrights of Lymm sold to Stonehouse family - continues to trade to present day. 

1981…Population 10496

1985…Last goods trains run though Lymm.

1985…Annual Lymm Dickensian initiated by Monica Spence 

1991…Population 10155

1995?…Dingle Hotel closes.

1995…Second Thelwall Viaduct opens.

1998…Warrington becomes a unitary authority 

1998…Lymm Festival established

2001…Trans-Pennine Trail officially opened.

2009…Lymm Runners established 

2012…Tour of Britain Cycle Race passes through Lymm.

2013…Lymm Youth & Community Centre becomes a Community Asset handed over by Warrington B.C. 

2013…HS2 rail-line proposals announced with major implications for East of Lymm.

2013…June 23rd The inaugural Lymm Historic Transport Day.

2015…Royal British Legion Club - latterly known as The Boat Stage -closes 

2017…Lymm Heritage Centre opens 

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